Jt65 hf setup
Jt65 hf setup

jt65 hf setup
  1. Jt65 hf setup full#
  2. Jt65 hf setup software#

Now my operating confidence has grown I am making more contacts and so I really need to computerise and centralise my logging. JT65 data mode logging was handled by the JT65HF program itself and for the UKAC and other VHF contests I have been using the MINOS logging program - all in all a bit of a mishmash. Until recently I had only made a small number of voice QSOs on HF and had entered those manually into the online eQSL, QRZ and HRDlog logbooks I maintain. With good intentions I purchased a proper RSGB Deluxe log book months ago but that has remained pristine and has just become a handy band-plan look-up!

Jt65 hf setup full#

It consisted of a spiral bound note book full of various scrawls sometimes tabulated for contests but more often than not a free form mess. Organisation isn’t one of my strengths and my logging of contacts has been pretty woeful. I can’t remember who told me this, but one of the comments or emails I received just simply told me that amateur radio would still be here when I was ready to come back. The words of encouragement really helped. In closing, I want to thank those of you who wrote to me over the past year. I’ve always said I was only at my very best podcasting about amateur radio when I was active and involved. But before PARP ever returns, I need to get engaged back into the hobby.

jt65 hf setup

While it has been 14+ months since I released an episode, the site still gets a lot of traffic and I occasionally still receive emails asking what is going on. Regarding my podcast ( The Practical Amateur Radio Podcast), I really don’t want it to just fade away. My intention is to enjoy the hobby and see where things lead me. I’m not sure just how active I will be in the coming weeks or months. It was a good feeling answering my first CQ in almost a year.

Jt65 hf setup software#

After syncing my PC clock (it was some 4+ minutes off) I fired up HRD, launched the JT65-HF software and the waterfall began filling up. My Yaesu FT-897 was parked on 14.076 (right where I had left it almost a year ago) and much to my surprise everything still worked. However, one thing I did mention in that posting was amateur radio was by no means the cause of my grief, it (among a few other things) just reminded me of it.Īnyway, last night I had a bit of free time and decided to go down to my basement ham shack and switch on the computers, switch on the radios and see what was happening on the bands. I’m not going to go rehash that as you can read that posting here. I provided (or tried to provide) an explanation to my long absence both on the bands, the blogosphere and the podcast airwaves. The last time I updated my blog site was soon after the first of the year. I would wager that this is a bug in JT65-HF and I'd probably have better luck with HRD, but frankly, I'm not in the market for a payware PC program.This will be a very brief blog update. I have tried setting the radio to key USB data with RTS and DTR and disabled CW and RTTY from the USB virtual COM port.

jt65 hf setup

And I noticed that if the PTT has been in 6 seconds and I halt JT65 transmission, it will work correctly as long as it hasn't been unkeyed for more than about 10 seconds.

jt65 hf setup

They key it instantly and flawlessly, whether I'm sending AFSK through the 7300's internal soundcard or triggering CW using DTR or RTS to hard key through the virtual COM port. It doesn't do this with Hamscope or Digipan. I can override this by manually pressing the PTT key on the mic at the start of the transmission, but I have to hold it for 6 seconds before releasing or the PTT will just drop back out. It has a 6 second delay between the time JT65-HF starts sending and the time the PTT actually engages in the radio. I just started using my new Icom 7300 for data (JT65, PSK31) with the USB cable connection.

Jt65 hf setup